Swagger-Brawura Tracking Roots

Day of Birth: 30 April 2019

CIE -International Show Champion

NL-CH - Dutch Champion

DK-CH - Danish Champion

BE-CH - Belgium Champion

DW’22 - Danish Winner 2022

Belgian Winner 2022

Herbstsieger Dortmund 2022

Frühjahrssieger Dortmund 2022

HD - A

DNA Profile

49 cm

Father: Yorick-Rhana V.'T Rutbekerveld

Mother: Brawura Z Krainy Przodków


Swagger is born out of our own S-litter from Mauser and Brawura.

He is a very handsome young man, very breed typical in everything he is; character and looks. 

He has a beautiful black mask like his mother and the perfect dark eyes like his father.

Swagger is used and trained for tracking and also participating at dogshows.

At the moment he is already Dutch Champion, Danish Champion and Interchampion CIE.

Swagger lives in the Netherlands.

Swagger is possibly available for breeding, for a suitable female.  

For more information about Swagger, you can contact us.

Breeding male bavarianmountainhound bgs dekreu beiersebergzweethond trackingdog

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Swagger tracking roots bgs-mAuser breeding male posokowiec bawarski reproduktor